Oh the marketing strategies of the olden days. Using my husband against me. What happened to “for better or worse?” I hope my husband doesn’t leave me because of a smelly vag, but at the same time, I hope I don’t have a smelly vag for him to smell either. Sometimes it is inevitable; bacteria infections, right before, or, right after that time of the month, or sometimes your ph balance is just off because of diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes), or even weather changes.
It can be embarrassing and make you feel self-conscious, but it is actually very common. It is a convo that many girls don’t want to even talk about with their best friends. Who wants to bring up the subject that they might be stinkin? Here are few ways to de-funk, or just help keep you feeling clean.
- Do not douche. I know, the ad convinced you that you will only be feminine if you douche, but it will only make things worse. It messes with your pH balance and can actually make it worse.
- Only wear cotton underwear so you va-jay-jay can breathe. If you wear tight or synthetic fabrics then it can trap moisture and act as a breeding ground for bacteria.
- Do not over wash. It can be tempting to do this if you feel as though you don’t smell normal. It can backfire and do the opposite effect and make it worse. Do not wash more than 2x’s a day.
- Avoid soaps with scents or perfumes. It upsets your natural balance.
- Eat yogurt with probiotics and live cultures. Maintains a healthy vagina and flora.
- Twice a day, mix 1 tsp baking soda into 6oz. water and drink.
- Take a bath every night with epsom salt.
If these natural remedies don’t work and you still don’t feel comfortable, you might want to see your doctor because you could have Bacterial Vaginosis. It can be easily cured with an anti-biotic.
I can’t believe that old ad.
I know! I couldn’t believe it when I found it!
Apple Cider Vinegar works wonders too.
Isn’t douche made from vinegar? ^
My mom was dead set on douching. I think she probably read that old ad when she was a young woman. Too funny.
Hey Veronica,
Thanks for reading. I hope I can clarify. It has been proven that what you eats affects how you smell and taste down there. Like when you eat asparagus you can smell it in your pee, so eating probiotics can help you smell better and keep your whole body healthy including down there.