If you are in your 30’s and you have not had a child yet, and have not tried to have a child yet, you might be getting quite a few questions from your friends and family of, “when are you going to start trying?” I have been getting these questions for awhile, especially when 2 of my best friends are pregnant right now.
But is it only a true friend who will send you a birthday package of ovulation predictors, pre-natal vitamins, and pregnancy tests! My girlfriend who does not need them anymore since she recently got pregnant wanted to share the love with me. Only a true friend, but I think I get the hint.
Ohhhh Erin!!! I’m glad you are now part of the crazy mama club. I don’t even mind that you let all this stuff expire before you and Rob were finally ready on YOUR OWN TIME! Entering this world changes your world and its important to enter it when it’s in your time….not the time of your pushy friends. I love that Katie bug and I’m glad she’s yours ??❤️