Today is the beginning of a new relationship. I am super excited for this new endeavor but also a little nervous. You never know which way it can turn out, and it can definitely have its ups and downs.
I have decided to join Weight Watchers. I was hesitant at first to document my journey because it can be a very personal experience. But I decided that because it is so personal, many of you would know what I was going through and we could perhaps go on this journey together if you are trying to lose some weight. I also wanted to document my experience because being in my 30s, I have noticed that my metabolism has slowed dramatically. I am sure many of you know what that is like, especially if you are trying to get rid of that baby weight. It can be difficult.
I also wanted to write about this program because I have had many questions from readers about trying to lose weight (read the latest groundbreaking research) at our age and if I know anything about the new Points Plus Weight Watchers program.
I have done Weight Watchers in the past with success in my 20s. I have not tried the new program yet and I have never tried to lose weight (I was making these mistakes) with an online program.
I am super excited to try this. It is time for something new.
I can’t say that I haven’t been on this diet train already this year. In fact, I have been dieting since June. So in just over 4 months I have lost some weight, but for 2 months I have not lost an ounce. I haven’t gained but I haven’t lost.
It can get really frustrating when you cut out everything from your diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes) and not see results.
In fact, I even went vegan for about 2 months just to see if that would make a difference. I know that there is such a thing as a ‘un-healthy’ vegan, but this is what I cut out:
- Meat
- Dairy
- Sugar
- Carbs
- Alcohol
Wish me luck. I am excited and hope I can get to my goal weight soon. I will talk more about the diet and how it works in the coming weeks. Please, leave a comment if you know my pain. :)
* Gratis from Weight Watchers for me to blog about my experience. All opinions are my own.
Good luck and I can’t wait to see how well you do. I did WW awhile ago and didn’t lose anything. Now I am doing the watching, workin out etc all by myself.
PS wait till you hit your 40’s. The weight is even harder to lose.
Good Luck! Weight Watchers is the healthiest way to go. I’m rooting for you!