The other day, I decided, I could not take the screeching sound of the garage door opening and closing anymore. It was driving me insane. I felt like it was echoing throughout the neighborhood. I went and bought some WD-40 because that is what my mom always used on squeaky doors.
I put it on the hinges and I was amazed at what a difference it made. It is like a whole new garage door, and doesn’t make a peep. I was so excited that I went throughout my house and sprayed it on all of the door hinges that might have a little noise. I started to wonder what else this can of goodness could do. Here are some other ways to use WD-40 in your house that might surprise you.
Remove crayon marks: You can spray and wipe off marks from glass, mirrors, walls, and wallpaper.
Get rid of gum: If you get gum in the carpet of fabric, just spray WD-40 on the spot. Wait 10 minutes and remove gum with a cloth.
Loosen Zippers: If you have a stubborn zipper, spray WD-40 and pull zipper up and down, then remove excess with a paper towel.
Remove scuff marks: If your family has a habit of leaving scuff marks on your tile or wood floor use this spray to remove them. Just rub marks with a clean cloth until it is no longer slippery.
Clean silver: Use WD-40 to remove tarnish from your silver jewelry or utensils. It will even help prevent tarnish from building up again because it seals out moisture.
De-grease bike chain: Spray WD-40 on your chain to clean, degrease and lubricate. It will also remove any sticky residue on the frame.
Remove stickers: Stubborn stickers can come off with a spray of WD-40. Let it saturate and remove with cloth.
Loosen baked on food: Spray on pans that have food that has been baked on. Spray, wipe, then clean with soap and water.
It also keeps birds and animals away from your garbage bags. We have a real seagull problem in my town on garbage day, they tear apart garbage bags and spread trash all over the road so we spray a little WD-40 on the outside of the garbage bags when we put them by the road for pick up and the seagulls stay away.
It also takes varnish off your skin when your husband desides to varnish you instead of the table.
and it instantly disolves tree sap from skin, hair, anywhere!
My dad would always loosen up a new baseball glove WD-40. Put a softball in the glove after spraying and wrap a rubber band around overnight. Not so stiff and much easier to use.
You shouldn’t put regular WD-40 on a bicycle chain. It will dry out the chain. However WD-40 makes lubricant especially for bike chains but it’s more expensive.
It cleans and shines stainless steel. Been using it for years. The stainless still looks brand new.